Editor: Past President Al Finnigan
Meeting Called to Order at 6:30 PM: by President Robbie Larocque
Land Acknowledgement
We respectfully acknowledge that we are hosting this Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood meeting from land within the jurisdiction of Williams Treaties and on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, the Anishnaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. This acknowledgement reminds us of our responsibilities to our relationships and the ancestral lands on which we learn, share and live.
ROTARY GRACE: Led by Sue MacKinnon
TOAST TO THE KING: Led by Linda Porritt
Visiting Rotarians and Guests: A warm Rotary welcome to Linda Porritt’s guest Jackie Visconti
Happy Birthday to Al Finnigan on May 20
Happy Birthday to David Mankiewicz on May 23
Jan - Happy to announce that David Andrews has been awarded Senior of the Year for Oshawa. We are cancelling June 6th meeting, to attend the June 8th. Presentation dinner at the Jube. (dinner $45.00).
Ted - Thank you for silent auction volunteers, Kay Hurren was a big help.
Robbie - Thanked everyone for their support while he was away.
Congratulation for the success of the reverse draw and we need a follow up review meeting soon
Ted – The Rotary Club of Port Hope is having their annual lobster fest on June 10th. Lobster cost $65.00 orders have to be in by June 1st. Steak ready for the BBQ is also available. Ted will pick up your order and get it to Wilmot Creek if you are interested.
Robbie - and Dave Andrews attended the New club of Toronto (Tibetian Group) charter night and it was very successful.. Over 25 clubs were there for the charter night.
Robbie - 7070 district conference is in the fall at the Marriott, early bird tickets are available
Linda - John Kellam suggested us having a yard sale in late June in his parking lot behind MAK Funeral home
Would like a ways and means meeting on June 20th.
Jackie is interested in becoming a member
Felt that this was the best organized Reverse draw in 3 years.
Ted – According to Mark Chipman , Morgan (Sharron’’s niece) was a standout at the Rotary leadership course in Ganaraska
Hilda Finnigan: - Manure Sales are coming in
Hilda Finnigan - North Oshawa Farmers Market ever Satruday from 9 am to 2 pm with the bird and butterfly houses and Paloughman’s Choice ;
Hilda Finnigan:- we have been accepted for the Peony Festival June 10/11; will be needing volunteers for all of these three events
Dave also encouraged members to attend the upcoming District Assembly on May 6 at Centennial College Event Centre. You must register online on the district website at : https://rotary7070.org/event/district-assembly/ ). Details will be available soon. The club will pay the registration fee ($50 per person) . We encourage the 2023-24 Board of Directors and every member to sign up.
MAY 23 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . Oshawa Golf Club
Speaker: PAUL HARRIS AWARDS NIGHT – SPOUSES INVITED be sure to sign up with Sie MacKinnon and place your dinner entree selection
SGT AT ARMS: Bob Koski
No draw tonight – we used the draw tickets at the Reverse Draw. We will be back next week. .
Dave Andrews - Happy with successful Reverse draw
Linda - Great Reverse Draw
Al - Happy with the Reverse Draw success
Lennis - Happy with Reverse draw
Janice - Also happy with the Reverse Draw
Sue - Happy with reverse draw
Ana - Oldest son got all his assignments done and no call from the teacher
Ted - Happy with his 3 day tour of Ottawa
GUEST SPEAKER: Ana Rejab- Her trip to Malaysia and Singapore
Ana Rejab gave us an excellent picture review of her 3 week trip with her husband and sons to Malaysia and Singapore
Ted - Thanked Ana for her interesting and informative trip, it was amazing
President Robbie closed the meeting at 8:05 pm.
MAY 23 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . Oshawa Golf Club
NOTE: SPECIAL MENU: PLEASE ADVISE YOUR CHOICE TO SUE MACKINNON BY MONDAY MORNING: There is a special menu for this event that includes tea/coffee with a sweet.
Please let Sue know :
- if you plan to attend and if you will be bringing a guest with you
- your menu choice
- please advise prior to Monday Morning
- please note: special requests cannot be accommodated.
choices are as follows:
Cacio e pepe ravioli - ricotta filled pasta | cracked black pepper | garlic | parmesan | cream reduction
Chicken Supreme - lemon scented couscous | asparagus | green peas | bell peppers | thyme cream sauce
MAY 27 – BINGO – RED BARN – Matinee – 11 AM: Linda P, Lennis T , David P , Ted M
MAY 30 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM . NO MEETING AT THE OSHAWA GOLF CLUB
JUNE 6 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . NO MEETING AT THE OSHAWA GOLF CLUB
JUNE 8 – Oshawa Senior Citizen Centre 55th Anniversary at the Jubilee Pavilion Banquet & Conference Centre, 55 Lakeview Park Ave, Oshawa as we celebrate OSCC55+'s 55th anniversary. The Seniorbration Gala event will feature music from Step by Step DJ, a presentation of the Senior of the Year Award, a buffet dinner, cash bar, dancing and whole lot of fun. Ticket cost is $45 and can be purchased from any front desk or online. Don't wait! This event is not to be missed. For details and ticket purchases, see: https://www.oscc.ca/en/get-involved/seniorbration.aspx .
JUNE 10 & 11 – Peony Festival - We will be volunteering with Hilda and Al to sell manure – time to be announced
JUNE 13 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . Oshawa Golf Club
- Speaker: Hilda, Linda and Sue
“ Getting Ready for Bingo at the Red Barn”
JUNE 20 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . Oshawa Golf Club
- Speaker: _________________________
JUNE 27 – Regular Weekly Meeting – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM . Oshawa Golf Club
Presidents Night – Annual Changeover
IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, MAKE UP: Go online at www.rotary.org go to the club locator and find a club or clubs near your destination. Or you can add the free App Rotary Club Locator to your phone for instant look up of any club in the world. Please mail or fax your make-ups to Secretary Sue MacKinnon, or give your make-up card to the attendance/registration officer at the next club meeting.