Rotary Bottle Drive in Oshawa - July 18, 2020
Rotary Clubs of Oshawa and Oshawa-Parkwood joined forces for the Rotary Bottle Drive. Lots of Rotary volunteers from both Rotary Clubs. The citizens of Oshawa dropped of their bottles and cans and even the wine bags at 4 easy to get to locations: Del Park Homes Recreation Centre; the Oshawa Centre; Grandview Plaza; and Lakeview Park on July 18 from 10 am to 2 PM. All proceeds going to Rotary Club charities , so much in need , especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Way to go Rotary ! Rotarians really are #PeopleOfAction and During the pandemic this is just another great way that #RotaryResponds not just in Oshawa, Ontario Canada but all over the world. Thank you to our Rotarian photographers: Peter Hernandez, Ana Rajab, Randy Nickerson and Colin Carrie (Yes, even our MP and Rotarian Colin Carrie is a Rotarian who gives back to his community through Rotary). It was so nice to see our Rotary International District 7070 Governor Mark Chipman drop by with a load of empties.
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