Oct 24 is World Polio Day in Durham Region
October 24 has been proclaimed World Polio Day in all of Durham Region today, as Durham Regional Chair (and fellow Rotarian) John Henry , together with Don Mitchell , Mayor of Whitby, presented proclamations this morning to the Presidents of the 10 Rotary Clubs here in Durham Region and to Rotary International District 7070 Governor Ron Dick. Rotarian here in Durham Region and all over the world have been helping to eradicate polio from the planet since 1985. We are so close - 99.99% (just 2 cases of the wild polio virus in the world since Jan 1, 2021. Well done ROTARY.
Be sure to join the Rotary Clubs in Durham Region on October 21 as they broadcast World Polio Day 2021 LIVE from the Rotary Global Classroom at Durham College, in Oshawa, Ontario Canada. Click right here for the link and preview the event: https://durhamcollege.ca/.../rotary-international-2021.../
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