Kids' Safety Village Expansion - Ground Breaking - Oct 12, 2017
Dignitaries from the Region of Durham, various municipalities, and major sponsors , such as Ontario Power Generation and General Motors Company, were on hand, at the Kids' Safety Village of Durham Region, in Whitby, on October 12, 2017, to break ground for the expansion of the Kids' Safety Village of Durham Region. Roger Anderson, Chair of Durham Region; Paul Martin, Chief of the Durham Region Police Service; and Lisa Millar, Director of Education for the Durham District School Board, the original Kids' Safety Village original 3 partners, together with the founding service clubs, the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood, represented by Lennis Trotter, and the Ajax Optimist Club, represented by Ron Mortson, welcomed all of the Fire Departments in Durham Region, represented by Terry Von Zuben of the Whitby Fire Department, to the Kids' Safety Village Team, and all spoke at the ground breaking ceremony.
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